How To Play Spicy Uno & What are Its Rules

What is Spicy Uno?

Spicy Uno is an unofficial version of uno. Here few normal cards have also some powers which make the game more fun and interesting. This game is mainly played with friends and siblings and the minimum number of players is required 5. You are aware of a few rules and will get introduced to some new rules as well.


  • A normal deck of Uno
  • Chili (Any of your choice)
  • Minimum 5 Players required

Objective of the Game

The objective of the game is to have fun and win. The player who gets rid of all of their cards won the game and all of their opponent’s points will be yours and the whoever reaches first 500 points will win the match.

Spicy Uno Rules

Spicy Uno Rules by Anant Mundhra – You might have read so many rules of Uno spicy but not this one. Here, we have tweaked and added some of the rules and we are pretty much sure that you gonna loved it. Now, let’s start with the rules. The basic rules of the game are as same as the original Uno rules you can check from the link.

Spicy Uno Special Rules

Rule 1: Slap on 6

If a player plays the number 6 cards of any color then everybody has to touch the discard pile. The last player who touches the discard pile will get slapped on the back side of the hand just like we use to play the red hand and the player has to draw 2 cards from the draw pile.

Rule 2: Silent 7

If a player plays the number 7 card of any color then all players must play in silence until the next 7. Any player who talks in this period draws 2 cards.

Rule 3: Trading’s 0

If a player plays a 0 no. card of any color then they can force any player to swap hands with them. Here, they will have to exchange all the cards in their hands.

If your deck has swipe hands cards then you can remove it or you can skip trading’s 0 rule. It depends on you. But we recommend you to remove swipe hands cards from the game.

Rule 4: Stacking Pluses

If a player plays the draw 2 card then the next player has to draw 2 cards from the draw pile or he/she can also save themselves by adding one more “+2” card on top of it, if you have one. This trick will lead the other next person to take 4 cards. This can continue until draw 2 card finishes. You cannot put “+4” on “+2” or “+2” on “+4” in this particular uno variation.

Example: If a player played +2 card then the next player can play +2 card of any color but he/she cannot put +4 card on plus 2 or +2 on +4. It should be the same no. of the plus card.

Rule 5: Playing Out of Turn

In this rule, any player can play a card out of their turn if they have the same card in their hand. The gameplay continues from the player who plays out of turn.

Example: If a player plays 0 number card of Red color and you also have 0 number card of red color and your turn is not next but still you can play that card.

Important Note
You can not do this with any power card. Playing out of the turn needs to have normal cards.

Rule 6: Asking For Help

If a player doesn’t have any cards to play either they draw a card from the draw pile or ask any player for help. But after taking cards from the player, there is no need to return them.

Rule 7: Snatch 1

If a player plays the number 1 card then the player will take any one card from the next player and then the player who takes the card will give any one card from their hand according to them.

Rule 8

The player who won the game will select any player and they must have to take a bite of chili 🌶. You can do this after every match gets ends or after every set gets ends. Set winner will be decided through the scoring board points which we have mentioned below.

Scoring Board Points

So, let’s talk about how to calculate the score and who will win the game and how. Basically, the player who gets rid of all of their cards won the game and all of their opponent’s points will be yours and the whoever reaches first 500 points will win the match or there is another way to score points is to keep a running tally of the points each player is left with at the end of each round. When one player reaches 500 points, the player with the lowest points is the winner. The player who won the game will select any player and they must have to take a bite of chili as mentioned in rule no. 8.

Here below we have listed the score points of each card and according to this, you can calculate the score.

All number cards (1-9) Face Value
Draw 2 20 Points
Reverse 20 Points
Skip 20 Points
Wild Draw 4 50 Points
Wild 50 Points

Final Words

If we say about this game, then we had a great experience. This is one of the favorite unofficial uno games. Well, Uno is my favourite card game so, I will get a little bit biased. I want you guys to play and share the feedback in the comment section and tell us which Uno game we should cover?

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